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Podcast: How to Level Up Your Communication Skills

Real Estate

Podcast: How to Level Up Your Communication Skills

Recently, Cathy was featured in an episode of the Keeping It Real podcast. The topic of the interview focused on building communication skills, but Cathy and DJ also delved into her sales past with IBM and how exactly she began her career in real estate. Feel free to watch the interview below or check out our summary of the best communication tips below.

1. Leave a voicemail.

Talking on the phone is a highly effective (and personal) method of communication. However, in cases where immediate contact isn't possible, leaving a voicemail is a great alternative. Voicemails offer a personal touch, allowing the recipient to hear your voice and enhancing your personal relationship.


2. Lunch and coffee.

Strong relationships often thrive on personal connections. Meeting someone for lunch or coffee offers a unique opportunity for focused, uninterrupted discussions and provides a platform to talk about them – their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Actively listening and valuing their thoughts not only strengthens the relationship but also enriches your understanding of each other, paving the way for more meaningful and productive interactions in the future.


3. Engaging content.

On a business note, many people look for value when communicating with professionals. In the past, people found this through phone calls or charts or data—these days, many people seek valuable content through email, social media, and videos. Needless to say, if your business chooses to engage in this medium, make sure the content you provide is valuable for potential clients.


4. Patience.

Patience is a cornerstone of effective communication. When we exercise patience, we grant others the time they need to express themselves fully and articulately. It involves not rushing to conclusions or judgments but affording space for different perspectives and understanding. In a world that often rushes, patience in communication stands as a reminder that meaningful connections require time and attentiveness.


5. Communication preferences.

These days, there is more than just one valuable way to communicate with someone—and people have formed a personal preference. Not everyone enjoys gabbing on the phone or scrolling through emails. The best way to engage in a meaningful dialogue is to take note of people’s preferred method of communication and stick to it.


If you want more nuggets of valuable information, make sure to listen to the whole podcast. While the interview features many tips and tricks for the real estate world, there is a lot of helpful information for building communication skills throughout the entire episode.

For any other real estate questions or concerns, make sure to reach out! We’d love to COMMUNICATE our best advice and practices for you!


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